Thursday, May 25, 2006

Baby Number 2

This is Michael - born in 1986 and number 2 child first time around. With number 2 on the way again I hope it is a different story to last time. Michael didn't sleep for the first 18 months of his life - he was a real nightmare. This much I know - if he'd been born first he'd be an only child. In fact the only way we got him to sleep in the end was putting him in the same room as his brother Ben. His big brother Ben was a dream - just like Rosie he slept through the night from about 8 weeks old and I thought this baby lark is simple - until Michael that is.

So this time around what will number 2 be like. I am the only common factor so I hope he or she is like Ben and Rosie - and not like their mothers!


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