Friday, May 19, 2006

Lets go round again

Now you have met Rosie ... lets go back alittle shall we? Back in the 1980’s when I was a dad the first time round it was so easy. Men were men - you knew where you were in Thatcher’s Britain. As a man you just let it all happen, stood back at nappy changing time and knew that even when you offered your services they would be politely refused. It was as tough you were born to be hopeless and helpless - at least I think that’s what she called me. As for nappy pins both of my boys quickly learnt to lay very still when I was folding a nappy and pointing a huge safety pin in the general direction of their groin.

When I went to the parent classes before rosie was born the other couples were looking at me and my wife and trying to work out what the connection between us was … perhaps, they thought, her man had run off and she’d got her dad to bring her to the class? In a very loud voice I made it known that I was indeed the husband of the poor unfortunate young creature, yes it was my baby. At least my wife was viewed with some pity, while I was seen as some kind of pervert.

This time we are hypnobirthing so tits getting even more scary! But more of that to come.


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