Sunday, May 21, 2006

Meet the family

I promised you a "cast list" - so here goes. Here is Helen just a few hours after Rosie was born by cesarean section (the next baby is being hypnobirthed, so she'll look even happier). Rosie is fast asleep in her cot at the moment giving me time to do this post and read the paper - I suppose there'll be another crisis to read about there usually is! Have you noticed how they never quite live up to it? Last week the local paper told us petrol was going to go up 2p per litre every week for two months - so far its gone down 4p! Still no journalists, no crises - now there's an idea!

Back to the cast list my two boys are a bit older than Rosie. Ben is 22 and runs his own disco business having done a business degree at University. Michael is 20 and doing American Studies at University in Sheffield where he stars on the student radio station on Monday evenings. Mike is off to Oklahoma University in America for a year - is it true that Oklahoma is America's most boring state?


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