Monday, November 27, 2006

Baby sitting!

We went to see James Bond last night and Ben came round to baby-sit for his little sisters. Here's Rosie sitting on his lap and watching 64 Zoo Lane. She went to bed at 7.30 and cried for a few minutes because she couldn't be with Ben ... but she dropped off after 5 minutes and slept through till 8. So I think normal sleeping service has been resumed - well i hope so!

Saturday, November 25, 2006

Back to the future

Well here is the picture I have been waiting for. Postman Pat or ... "Po Pa" was one of Ben and Mike's favourites when they were growing up. Now it's back and bigger than ever before - with the correct ethnic mix for Greendale(!) - and Rosie is really getting into it! So we are going back to the future.

Thursday, November 23, 2006

Crane City

A day on the road in Liverpool today. Just look at those cranes! It'll be great when it's finished - probably. Poor old Rosie woke up at 6 o'clock this morning with a snotty nose and full of cold, but Emily slept right thropugh from 7 - 7 - what a star. Me? I just slept to the gentle hum of the mini-bar in a hotel. Peaceful.

Wednesday, November 22, 2006

Me and my mates!

Hey, meet the gang ... 'cos the gang is all here. I'm just off to Liverpool so won't see Rosie for a day or so. Very difficult for me, but as long as she has her DVD's she is fine with it. Anyway here she is bigging it up with her mates at the farm park in Leicester. Wait till they are out on a binge drinking spree in a few years!

Tuesday, November 21, 2006

Morning girls

What a great sight - Emily not looking wary of Rosie anymore. Rosie has stopped being quite so heavy handed with Emily which is a relief. Its also good to hear Rosie coming up with some more words like "DaDa" and "Whosie" ... she can also say mummy -but obviously that is less important!

Sunday, November 19, 2006

10 Things I love about Leicester

Michael did 10 things he loves about America in his blog (see the links on the right) so thought I should reply. 1; Drive in banks. In this picture the second building in from the right is the first dive in bank in the UK. Opened in 1962 in Charles Street. 2 Free Refills; used to get these all the time at school - milk in 1/3 pint bottles. 3: Football; what can I say - blue army. 4: High Speed Internet Access - what about NTL - and its brilliant customer service? 5; Proper Seasons - Warm, wet and windy or cold wet and windy - no problem. 6: Wendy's - er well have you tried TJ's on Clarendon Park Road recently? 7; DVD's. We get them 150 yards around the corner, served by spotty youths, couldn't be more authentic. 8; Extravaganzas. Well everything is so big and well put together in Leicester - take the access to Fosse Park for example. 9; Attitude. We all feel at war in Leicester - with the traffic! 10; - a way of life for some sad old gits. So there we are Mike 10 things about Leicester which make me think we should be coming to join you in Oklahoma.

Thursday, November 16, 2006


Been doing really boring paper work this afternoon - but I guess someone has to. Helen had a researcher call from the British Crime Survey - they are doing random addresses across the country so I had Rosie in the office with me. How do you solve a problem like Rosie? Put on Winnie the Pooh on a little DVD player ... brilliant, and it works evety time!

Tuesday, November 14, 2006

Growing Up

It struck me today how quickly Emily is growing. To check this out I sat her in Rosie's high chair ... see what I mean? I am busy trying to blow up a huge rubber ring by mouth at the moment - so that Emily has a secure place to start to sit up in .... if Rosie will stop poking her that is!

Saturday, November 11, 2006

Mummy's little helper

There I was concentrating on the match and I got this wonderful picture of Rosie having real fun washing up. Look at that smile! Just wait in a few years time we'll get all the old excuses ... "I washed up twice last month" or "It's Emilys turn - she hasn't done it for ages" or even "I hate you, no one at school washes up". Still lets enjoy this wonderful moment.

Thursday, November 09, 2006

Furry boots

Helen is a softy. It's been quite cold here so she has been and bought some furry sheepskin boots for Emily. poor old Emily isn't used to wearing thigs on her feet and spends most of the time trying to kick them off - mind you she has a right laugh while she's doing it!

Tuesday, November 07, 2006

Lovely coming home

Up early and off to London for the day - so very nice to get back early and have a little smiling Emily plonked on my lap. She is a real sweetie. She stares at you right in the eyes and just smiles and smiles, and sometimes giggles a little - even while Rosie is having a paddy while Helen puts her coat on in the hall.

Sunday, November 05, 2006

New knife skills

Helen tried to teach Rosie some new knife skills at tea-time. "Look Rosie, put some cheese spread on your knife and spread it on your toast". As you can see one word from her mother and Rosie is very obedient. However this time she decided to cut the middle-man, so to speak, and eat the spread straight off the knike. Only 20 months and already cutting out carbs!

Friday, November 03, 2006

Crisp, cold and wonderful

What exceptional weather we are having. At last the autumn is starting to feel like winter is on the way. Both the girls are wrapped up against the cold - and Rosie is loving running around the park and jumping ikto piles of crisp leaves. Rosie went to nursery at 8 today through until 5. We had to scrape the frost of the car windows and made our way through the rush hour traffic. She was the first there and sat down to her Rice Krispies as I left ... I don't even think she knew I'd gone!